Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Going to the Big Apple

  Welcome to our tour of North America. During the month of April we are going to visit our favourite spots in North America. Come join us as we revisit some of our favourite travel spots. No passport or boarding passes required 

Today we leave the islands of the Outer Banks and head to one of the best known islands in the world Manhattan. Today is not about the destination itself but the journey we take to get there. When we visited NYC we stayed in NJ andrive to Staten Island to catch the ferry to Manhattan. The ferry is a fun way to get to the city, is free and goes right by the Statue of Liberty. Its also has cheap parking nearby which is about $8-10 per day.

The iconic Staten Island Ferry

The Manhattan Skyline from Staten Island

Cape Liberty Cruise Terminal and GCT Bayonne Container Terminal

The Bayonne Bridge. It is the sister bridge to the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia.

The ferries run right by the Statue of Liberty

On a good day you can get some great shots of the Statue of Liberty

Approaching Manhattan

Getting ready to dock at Whitehall in Manhattan. The ferry ride is almost over and your NYC adventure can begin!

More Info: Staten Island Ferry website
Cost: The Staten Island Ferry is free!

Have you ever ridden on the Staten Island Ferry?
What did you post about today?


  1. My mother grew up in New York City and when the family needed a cheap break my grandfather would take everyone "on a cruise." On the Staten Island Ferry.

  2. I was in NY only once, many years ago. It was early August. I don't remember much, but I didn't like the weather then! I have photos to remind me of a river tour. I remember eating a hotdog at some famous place everyone "needs" to visit.

  3. I have ridden the Staten Island Ferry, on my one and only trip to NYC in 1985. For a small-town girl like me, that place was the most overwhelming experience of my life to date.


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