Tuesday, September 3, 2013

His and Her Never, Ever, Ever

It's time to play ---

**For those who are new to our blog - WELCOME - purple is Amanda, red is Sean, blue is for both of us. We hope it helps make it less confusing for our readers to know who is talking and sharing. :) **

Amanda will never, ever, ever...
-be able to sleep the night before school starts. I thought this year I would break through that curse, but nope. I couldn't fall asleep last night until almost midnight and the alarm went off at 4:45. I see an early night in my future!
-make it through a day without checking her TeuxDeux.com list. That is my lifeline and the only reason I can remember what needs to be done on a given day.

-not want puppy cuddles at the end of the day. He is sitting here with me now and I love it!!

Sean will never, ever, ever...
-crave Taco Bell. I would honestly rather starve!
-enjoy yard work. Mowing, weeding, and edging - oh my!! It is a never ending job and I just don't enjoy it.
-run a race in the summertime heat. It is too hot and I can't seem to drink enough water to stay hydrated. I don't like the cold but I would rather run in cold than hot temperatures.

What is something you would never, ever, ever do?

Happy Tuesday,

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