Sunday, April 6, 2014

His and Her A-E Recap

The first week of the A-Z Blogging Challenge is behind us. We had a blast writing these first few posts and we have met so many wonderful bloggers that we wouldn't otherwise have met.

Sundays are a day off for the Blogging Challenge - so we thought we would recap our letters of the week. If you missed any posts, this is a great chance to catch up.

A is for Aussie Students: Sean wrote about a day in the life of an Australian K-12 student. It is so different from American schools. 
These are classrooms!
B is for Baseball: Both of us love baseball! With the start of the season, we shared how we came to love America's favorite pastime.
Our local ball park - Go Tides!!

C is for Coffee: I am a coffee-holic and thanks to my Kuerig, making coffee in the morning is super easy. I shared my favorite K-Cup blends on the blog.

 D is for Do Not Disturb: I found a way to not be so distracted while at home. I realized that I could use the same feature that I used to stay focused at work and be more productive at home.

E is for Enzo: Sean and his sister Shellie wrote about their love of an adorable and chubby dachshund, named Enzo. He stole their hearts (and was very photogenic - the pics are adorable)!
See what I mean? How cute is he??

Which post from this week was your favorite?

Happy Reading,


  1. I can't choose a favorite. I think that all of the posts were interesting. The Aussie school post gave me a look at how schools operate differently down under. The baseball post gave me a newcomer to America's point of view on our national past-time. They were all very nice posts.

    Have a great week!

  2. PS I also think this re-cap post is a great idea. I hope that you don't mind if I use it, too!

  3. Again, cute idea to do the recap! All of them were good ones, I couldn't pick one over the other; I like the variety of them all and the writing you guys shared back and forth.



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