Saturday, May 8, 2021

Reflection on the 2021 A-Z Challenge


The A-Z Challenge is over and I successfully completed it for the 3rd time. It was a lot of fun sharing some of our favourite vacation spots in the USA and Canada. Hopefully everyone who visited found my photos and posts entertaining, informational or both.

I didnt get to visit as many people as i had hoped as i was not as prepared as i should have been. I plan to have everything lined up prior to April 1st so i can spend time visiting other blogs rather than completing posts and spending time doing that instead throughout April. I say that every year but lets hope 2022 is the year I do it right.

Im looking forward to the road trip. Hopefully your journey was not as frantic. Let me know how the A-Z challenge went for you :)


  1. I enjoyed your A to Z! Congrats on finishing.


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