Sunday, August 5, 2012

Her "Stop By and Say 'HI'!", 8/4/2012

Melinda is back with another "Stop By and Say HI!" moment. I am really starting to look forward to these each week. :)

This week's question is: what sports do you enjoy outside of the Olympics?

I watch more sports during the Olympics than I do in the years in between - combined! I really enjoy the country pride and hearing all the human interest stories about athletes from all the countries who have conquered amazing challenges to make it to the Olympics.

Apart from the Olympics, I am a big baseball fan - though I prefer to go to a game than watch one on TV. The games on TV are missing that basic excitement level that you get when you are at a stadium with a crowd cheering on your favorite team. I also like hockey but again, I much prefer to go to an arena and watch the game. It seems much easier to follow the puck in person than on TV. 

So those are my favorite sports. What about you?


1 comment:

  1. I do enjoy going to baseball games, but not especially major league ones. The stadiums are just too big to see what is going on. We have a Single A team moving to our town, so we will probably be going to A LOT of their games!


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