Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Her Modern Day Love Notes

Over the past two months, I got quite a few reminders from my phone that my storage was low. Like really low. Like delete something before taking a picture low. Oops!

I don't know why it didn't occur to me until Sunday that I could free up space without permanently deleting photos or deleting apps. I saved the photos to my computer (organized by year and subject - no great surprise to those who have seen my classroom or computer). I had fun going down memory lane. And bonus! Those annoying "storage full" messages have stopped. 

While I was cleaning off the phone, I found some messages that Sean left me on my phone and on our chalkboard wall over the past two years. My heart is full!

This note was left during the first week of a new school year when stress and drama are always high.

Mr. Schnitzel is a place we both fell in love with while in Australia. Sean would open a Mr. Schnitzel if possible so this is a big deal.

His two favorite shops - a big deal for sure!

He's so adorable! He makes me so happy.

My favorite part of this one is the sheep's speech bubble. He's so creative!

Evan Alex sends messages sometimes. :)

He draws better on the chalkboard than on the phone.

I know this was a pretty sappy post, but I felt pretty sappy as I was rediscovering them on my phone. Do you and your significant other do little things like this? I would love to hear about them.

Happy Wednesday,

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