-Moving on-
This summer I have plans! Not big plans, but things I am setting out to accomplish and do over the next....wait a minute, checking the countdown on my phone...65 days.
In no particular order...
1 - Catch up on laundry and housework
It really seems like at the end of the school year all of the things that need to be done around the house just don't get done. I'm going to fix that - starting today...laundry, dishes, and vacuuming are on the agenda. A deeper clean and organization of the two spare bedrooms upstairs are on the agenda for later this summer.
2 - Go to the gym

3 - Lose 15 pounds
At a Weight Watchers meeting a few weeks ago, they talked about summer goals. I wanted to keep mine attainable and realistic (something my leader talked about) so I decided on 15 pounds. I weighed myself today and I'm already down 2 so that's a great start!
4 - Plan our vacation
We are going on a driving trip this summer to visit a bunch of places in New England. The Type-A and OCD parts of my personality want to research the best places to eat, shop, sight-see, etc. Now that I am not knee-deep in school stuff I can focus on that.
5 - Read 30 books
I love to read - it is my favorite pastime and hobby. I always read a lot over the summer, a couple of books a week, so this summer my goal is to read 30 books. The Chesapeake Public Library has a summer reading program with prizes given out randomly throughout the summer. Last year I won a tote bag so I would like to win something else this year.
6 - Go to the movies
There are two movies that I know I want to see in theaters - Men in Black 3 and Brave. I'm sure there will be others that come out later.
7 - Go to Busch Gardens
Roller coasters, fun rides, and good food - Oh My! :)
8 - Go to Water Country
Water slides, Hubba Hubba Highway, and really delish frozen yogurt - Yay!
9 - Hang out with friends
This ties back in with the last three. I have amazing friends who I don't usually see enough over the summer. I'm hoping to make movie and theme park dates with them so we can hang out.
10 - Participate in a book study
I blogged about this earlier but the book study of The Daily 5 and Cafe is starting in July. I am really looking forward to learning some new ways of teaching English. The blog where the book study will happen has almost 600 followers so I know I will be getting tons of great ideas.
11 - Travel
Aside from our big vacation in July, I want to travel to see friends and family. A trip to visit friends in the mountains of Virginia and my sis and bro-in-law in South Carolina are a must.
12 - Cook

13 - Work on school stuff
The old saying is true - "A teacher's work is never done". I have some things for school that I want to get done this summer. A student project to be overhauled, a substitute binder idea to get ready, extra credit options to plan...nothing major but it will be much easier next school year to just have all of those things done and ready to go.
14 - Paint kitchen
Our kitchen is painted a pale, boring yellow and has a French border (very ugly - I hate it!) along the ceiling. Sean and I want a tropical kitchen with bright colors so I want to take down that border and paint with a bright, summery yellow or maybe a tropically-looking orange.
I have so many things pinned on my "For the Home" board and I would love to get some of them done this summer.
16 - Go to baseball games
I <3 baseball! Going to the Tides games (nearby minor league team) is always fun and a great way for Sean and I to spend time together.
Well, those are some of my "big" plans this summer. Seems busy when I see it all laid out that way. What about you - what are your big summer plans?
Happy Summer,
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